
enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 1st 2012, 19:21:14

if you want to leave it 120(120) or raise it even more yet weaken FS why not make additional attacks in 22 hours cost extra attacks

then cap the free attacks at whatever you like

would be interesting to have only 234% readiness regain-able per day, 22 hour rolling or 24 rolling or 24 fixed, or have you get back 3% a turn, heck make it 216% and force people to do something else with login/bonus turns

(when i say get back here i mean get the opportunity to regain it when you run a turn, not actually regain readiness simply through time)

would create an interesting demo effect on readiness

but yes the 2% to 3% readiness was 50% extra, the 54 a day to 78 a day was 44% extra so that's pretty close

but turns also changed from something like 75(47) to 80(80) and then 120(120) maybe 120(80) in between as well

either way first strikes became way too much of a decisive factor to allow many wars to be even

also wars used to equalise at 3:1 networth ratio because killing down took way more turns, and killing up was always max % killed, same as hitting up was always max % grabbed, but i think that had an extra bracket at 140% and killing didn't

Edited By: enshula on Jul 1st 2012, 19:23:49
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