


Jul 7th 2012, 7:02:27

I understand your argument and I know it's sort of ironic actually. I never wanted to fight the system at first. I tagged my 10 countries up and asked around for peace. It's when the cowards turned around and farmed me, got pissed that I retaliated then killed me. What, I should just lay down and take it? Sort of an initiation for this game? Everyone here thinks players come in and read Wiki entries on games..I am a gamer and never once have I ever, ever read any Wiki entry on any game ever. I am a gamer and realize what a true free for all means... sorry I didn't know that it could possibly be misconstrued by about .0000000000001% of the gaming population that thinks free for all means get together and bang on the nubs. Seriously anyone know of any other single game on this planet that has a "free for all" where it's not everybody against everybody? One where you are allowed to have a FREE FOR ALL match? If you don't believe me then just look at the MW definition for free for all. A clan "free for all" is self defeating of the whole entire concept of it being a free for all in the first place. I know I know, you were allowed to have as many countries as you wanted...blah blah. Should be entitled; TEAM- Unlimited Countries? or now that there is a limit; TEAM-16 countries? I never thought I would see the day where I had to explain what a free for all match is to people that are gamers. Insanity.

Although if I am being honest, its fascinating if you actually think about it. Many of the same problems of intolerance in the real world shows up in this fantasy world. Many of the same mistakes and still a whole bunch of warring over nothing. BS politics here, BS politics there, sprinkled with a little bit of lying on top of it all. I guess it just goes to show if the world had a mulligan, we would probably just botch it over and over and over again.

Anyway I wanted this to be a thread to talk to the untags because of how disorganized they are. Looks like they don't actually know where to find these threads. Hmmmm I wonder why that is. But Clans win again, have my thread. I'm out.

Edited By: WaWa on Jul 7th 2012, 7:26:17
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