


Jul 13th 2012, 1:48:47

Alright Dragon I will make sure I take you up on that. Not next set of course, I gotta TCB but I certainly will remember that come the time I just want to be peaceful again. Right now I just smell XI's blood in the air..they have pissed of quite a few people with their extremely excessive attacks on small one man tags... it will be easy to knock you chumps around next set. Unless of course you have to call in some armies from other clans. A move I certainly don't put past a bunch of little boys making. For all the other clans that feel the need to back XI though, I was never talking about you guys having the clans that are poorly managed. I like several of you actually. It's XI and a couple others that are the ones that damage this games reputation for the new players. Just look at their news...they don't pick on anyone unless they are 1/10th their size. They are the ones that create the majority of these suiciders but then most suiciders don't want to waste their time on such chumps as XI. It's not worth it so then they hit the netters because maybe their message will be heard...then people get pissed at the ones who suicide and take it back out on untagged. Then the cycle is repeated.

To fix a problem you don't look at the damages that has been done. Rather, you look for the source of the damage. In this case it's Justin Timberlake and her band of cowards.

Edited By: WaWa on Jul 13th 2012, 2:10:11
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