
anoniem Game profile


Jul 13th 2012, 15:36:37

1- LaF
Highest Membership Count, Best Top 10 Showing of any alliance in EE, Best Bet for TNW, Best Bet for Rank 1 or 2 for Avg Nw. Regardless of cheating/whatever you can't put them anywhere else. You can always count on it being tough going against laf in war or net.

2- SoF
Higher membership count has helped to put SoF back near the top; however that's also in part to their friendship with LaF. I don't really have much to say on them. It's not a wholly impressive alliance. Yes, the membership has increased, but quantity is no substitute for quality. In an even war (*an arranged even war) I'd still put my money on the other side, providing they consisted of any combination of alliances from the top 9). I suppose you just don't know what SoF will turn up to war - the one that pummels out attacks and seem to stonewall everything, or the one that once outsmarted have no answer. I suppose it's like jekyll and hyde, but they are certainly on the up, but they provide no challenge to laf, due to their inability to netgain very well in comparison to the majority of the top 8.

3- Evo
Only alliance to win the Triple Crown in EE, Countless Avg NW #1s, Good war showings (win or lose / fs or be fsed), 2nd best top 10 showing in EE, active membership core that are willing to follow rules/strategies for the collective good/aim (avg nw). only competition for avg nw is LaF, every other alliance is usually about 30mil nw away from laf/evo. ousted out of rank 1 position from last year, due to a decrease in membership (vets stopped playing etc) and continual wars. people often see a dislike for warring as a weakness, but have shown that when war does come about they'll give a good account for themselves.

4- LCN
Good at netting and good at war, but I've never really seen LCN excel (i.e. being better than the rest) at either. They always have a high avg land every reset, yet fail to make a mark on avg nw. albeit, they've done well the past couple of resets, but you are compared to your competition, and below LCN (in these rankings) there is none (in terms of netting). Seem to have a solid vet core, and have the same players they had 5 years ago when I played there briefly. Great alliance with good trustworthy leaders.

5- SOL
One thing about SoL is that they keep going and keep picking themselves up. Still a great war clan, but there membership seems to be in decline.

6- MD
Ranked below SoL, because of their absence from earth for such a long time. Also they are the only alliance that have elections for leadership, which can be a negative or a positive - it all very much depends on who you are.

7- PDM
Belief in themselves and a great stubbornness. Seems like everyone in PDM have a collective cause (to have fun, but most of all - to have fun together). If they had a bit more activity and stringent rules on strategy then they could challenge the alliances ranked higher.

8- TIE
The best alliance of the rest (i.e. clans with less than 30 members). Their warring is definitely far more impressive than their netting. They've taken two FSes in 2 resets and come up trumps.

9- Rival
Losing against TIE after having the FS. Not a netgaining threat to the likes of Monsters, Omega etc. You'd rather have them on your side than not, but I believe whatever clout they have is due to their allies of SoF/LaF.

10- iMag
I've put Imag here ahead of the reset, because if war came about against any of the other alliances such as monsters, omega etc. then iMag would be fully prepped, and clearly have more activity (when it comes to war i.e. active leaders) in comparison to the rest.

11- Everyone else (at the moment are pretty much even in ability/stats)

I can provide reasoning if needs be, but I'm kinda busy right now.

p.s. these are just alliance rankings from my view. no need for anyone to get their panties in a bunch over a set of rankings that mean absolutely nothing.

Edited By: anoniem on Jul 13th 2012, 19:25:46
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