
anoniem Game profile


Jul 13th 2012, 19:57:16

SoF doubling membership does not show quality, whereas LaF's increase in membership has been longer standing and from looking at the way their countries are run you can see a clear gap between the ability of your average SoFfer and your average LaFfer. So winning tot nw when you were the largest alliance in the game is hardly a feat - it'd be more embarrassing to lose it than anything else.

As for evo showing no resillence lol. The war was lost a long time ago. I don't remember LaF restarting last set, or is that to their detriment for admitting a loss and taking a break away from the game?

And, for rival being better than TIE/PDM. How long have rival been around as an alliance? How well have they done in netting and war? Those are clear indicators that they are worse than TIE and PDM. As for Rival having 45 members - I can easily attribute that to possibility that SoF/LaF members are restarting and tagging Rival, and at any rate Rival only have 36 tagged not 45.

Edited By: anoniem on Jul 13th 2012, 20:00:24
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