
Flamey Game profile


Jul 20th 2012, 12:11:45

Originally posted by dagga:
While it is well known LaF is a cancerous growth on the ass of this game due to it's decade long practices of harbouring RD members, housing multiple cheating leaders, readmitting confessed cheats, giving leadership back to readmitted cheats, sweeping cheating under the rug and not investigating cheating; I thought it might be also a wise idea to investigate the tactics of SOF, an alliance seemingly not as tainted.

1. Growth in the game is negative, or just the growth of alliances who are not SoL stooges?

2. LaF was the only alliance to ever harbour RD members and have cheaters in their midst?

Originally posted by dagga:
Since running like a bunch of cowards from the previous incarnation of the game, SOF has arrived in EE with much fanfare and pomp. Mostly at the behest of their own leaders. It's like the noise of their arrival needed to be sufficient enough to mask the weak reasons they gave for packing it in the first time around - they couldn't find the will to ride a few multies for a few resets. Blamed Mehul, blamed the game and rode off into the sunset, middle finger in the air.

Erm, you do realise SoF returned to Earth2025 long before EE ever existed? They returned about 1-2 year after being constantly botted. Who can blame SoF for wanting to move to another game when they saw no point in playing, and then returning when the bot problems had largely ceased. Maybe you have to look at why SoF were so much of a target for the bots, whilst SoL and their newfound allies IX were not. Or maybe we can look at the joint MD/SoL/Evo logs where Makinso admits to being 'good friends' with Ronnie and other RD leaders.

Originally posted by dagga:
It is this attitude that manifests itself inside of SOF today and indeed ever since it has returned to the game. Make no mistake, SOF is the biggest leech in EE. Unable to take on the risk of failure to record a history-board-worthy win, SOF has resorted to pacting the biggest alliance in the game at any stage and holding onto that alliance at any cost - while dropping the poor sods who used to be allied. In addition to this tactic, they avoid any war that might test their resolve or test their ability on an even footing. Indeed, the even wars they have contested have been won by the opposing side when most of the peanut gallery on AT picked SOF to win.

This scared and paranoid attitude lead to SOF pacting SOL on their return to EE. SOL (a decade long enemy who was the biggest and most powerful alliance in the game at that point) was pacted so that SOF could avoid any conflict. Much to the lament of many other alliances and indeed game admins who encouraged the SOL/SOF alliance to dissolve for the sake of the server.

It is true that we have only lost one war in about 2 years, whilst SoL have only won one war in about the same period of time. However, it is SoL that has themselves to blame. When SoL and SoF were allied, there was very little fun to be had as SoF went around looking for even/arranged wars and netgaining while SoL chose a collection of alliances, sometimes unaffiliated with each other, and blindsided them. Yet SoL's boredom of even this led to them conspiring against SoF (Despite our offer of a friendly war). SoL's attempt to form a coalition and gain allies was their undoing as most of these alliances, unhappy at SoL's past actions, were more than happy to tell us. So when SoL 'forgot to pact us', when 'Makinso's useless underlings messed up pacting'... SoF and our allies had already made plans to defeat SoL and their bloc and we did so with ease.

Yet, it was not SoF (who were the biggest in addition to SoL) looking for allies, but other people coming to us to tell us of SoL's plans and how we should work together, and when SoL realised they were in deep trouble, it was them pushing for us to resign our FDP, which they had 'forgotten to renenw'. Then after a series of wars where the SoL/Evo coalition were at our total mercy we offered a long term peace deal. Their response was to undermine them and form a coalition with MD bent of destroying LaF and DPing SoF.

But you also have to consider Dagga's selective history. SoF actually returned in around 2005, not in EE. SoF returned and was a neutral alliance along with MD, indirectly pacted to both sides of the two year long IX/SoL coalition conflict. SoF did their own stuff, while IX/SoL looked for political ascendency. It was only when IX/SoF/SoL/TIE all joined to kill Arrow/PDM where SoF could be accused of politically security, but it was SoF who was soon thrown onto the scrap heap as the SoL IX LaF TIE formed a super coalition that resulted in over half the game leaving in a few years. And yes this was the same SoL who let a discredited IX president kicked for cheating become their HFA. The same SoL who was eventually defeated by IX's coalition and instead decided to take in their leader and ride on their political coattails by joining up with them.

In summary, it is SoL that has always played the political game (right throughout Earth2025 and EE), SoL who dropped the DP with SoF and it was SoL who badly misjudged the political situation and the hostility of the server towards them. It was also SoL who refused the chance of a long-term peace deal and DPed MD and attempted to FDP SoF.

Originally posted by dagga:
Indeed it did, by the machinations of a SOF who was moving onto it's next source of blood. MD returned to the game and LaF was growing in power due to the leadership of hanlong who started taking 'war alliances' to task for the bullying of netgainers. SOF weren't to know that hanlongs tactics involved hacking databases and private forums, but the pattern started to emerge and they benefited immensely from that growth of power of LaF. It allowed them to slowly distance themselves from SOL by killing SOL's allies (RD, NA) before moving onto the next power bloc (SOF/MD/LAF). SOF rode the MD wagon for a while, but LAF was growing at an unnatural rate and MD started to slip, leading to a fracture in relations and ultimately war.

Firstly, SoF's war against RD, and our knowledge of SoL's coalition plans, were before Hanlong even returned to LaF and started to talk to us. So nice try on trying to link those actions to his boxcar access. Again I state that neutral alliances and our DPs who SoL/RD tried to recruit informed us of your plans and we took action accordingly. I also find it funny that you claim SoF's destruction of RD was distancing our relationship when SoL had been hitting our FDP imag for multiple sets...

SoF/MD/LaF were never a coalition power bloc, but we were all DPed together and us along with many more alliances we were prepared to help each other if SoL showed aggression again. And, more importantly I don't understand your main claim in the thread that SoF was leeching from LaF, when we were actually in decline throughout that year, and our resurgence was the result of internal reform – not LaF. Also, our DP with LaF preceded Hanlong and long before their growth. It sounds to me that Sov is right, you are just jealous that we've been able to stop our decline, stabilise and grow, while you have not been able to do the same, despite the benefit of a reunion set.

Furthermore, your reasons for our fracture with MD are a bit simplistic. You didn't mention the logs that show MD coordinating with Evo and making up the 'MD put pressure on Evo' line, or the logs on how to destroy LaF by sidelining SoF. You didn't mention how we were given the choice of drop LaF or sign an unacceptable clause in our FDP, despite assurances that MD would gangbang LaF for one set only if we stayed out. It was also MD who FSed us in defence of two alliances that SoF have been long term enemies of...but I'm sure your version of events sound nicer in your head.

Originally posted by dagga:
It is a Law of Earth that SOF will leech off any alliance (friend, foe or accused cheat) in order to avoid being put to the test. If history is any guide, you can read all about SOF being the last alliance to defend Elitez while they provided their support.

This leads us to here. SOF currently is leeching off the rise of a LaF that has hanlongs fingerprints all over them. It uses RIVAL as a toy to come to their defense while RIVAL gets zero in return (at least so far in EE). SOF was pacted to SOL until old friend MD came back and it jumped ship. MDs power waned so they got cast adrift too. SOF has stooped to grovelling to RD (an alliance they tagkilled for cheating) and has been given numerous chances to win a war that both sides could agree 'the best side wins'.

Instead, you have this stinking carcass of an alliance with no backbone, no scruples and the only response to being accused of never engaging in a decent war is 'oh, we would have won anyway'.

What a sad state this game is in.

It's funny you mention Elitez, since one of your allies' leader was a key player there and cheating in general when you let IX's discredited leader become your HFA.

Yet, I think the most striking thing in this thread can be summed up by your attack us for being allied to LaF and attack us for being allied to Rival, despite your opinions of them. Have you considered the possibility that the leaders and members of these alliances might be good friends? People who actually like each other inside and outside the game; and yes it is a game... Perhaps SoF likes working with alliances we get on with, while SoL is willing to work with anyone as long as it is for political reasons.
CONCLUSION: The truth is SoL likes wars on their own terms and now that they are not getting this, they are bitter. They need to find excuses for a crushing defeat with only a 5-10% member difference, despite getting 3 FSs (one blindside) to our two FSs. Their latest excuse is that SoF only allies powerful alliances and drops weaker alliances.

The reality is that SoF stuck with LaF, despite them being in a precarious position last reset. If we were leaches, we would have switched sides, which was essentially offered and let LaF fall. Instead we stuck with our long term friends LaF and defended our long term friends Rival from SoL aggression. We put our neck out for our friends. In addition we have dropped no friends. MD refused to FDP us without a clause/or dropping LaF and they FSed us... and it was SoL who dropped SoF right at the beginning of this conflict.

So SoF sticks by its friends, while on the other hand the biggest thing SoL/Evo/MD has in common is their hatred and mutual dislike of LaF. Hence, it is you guys who are leeching off each other.

Edited By: Flamey on Jul 20th 2012, 12:21:09. Reason: Format/Spelling
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