
anoniem Game profile


Jul 20th 2012, 12:55:57

lol at the evo/sol coalition. do you think a year+ ago i actually liked sol? no, but they were the better of two evils at the time. laf 'seemed' to betray our unap/anti-gang bang coalition pact, which i knew at some point they would (which i why i preemted it with signing a pact with sol).

i had no intentions of taking evo on some crusade against laf. if laf fsed evo one set, then we'd only take 'revenge' the following reset. we don't carry grudges over resets or years even, unlike some alliances.

i don't think many people like what RD did, but you'd rather them get their payback asap (i.e. this set) then somewhere down the line.

that being said. we have some good allies and will stick by them as long as they are not being a destructive force to the game or its players.

not sure where you get this evo hatred for laf. there are obviously people on our side that dislike them, and they don't hide the fact. but the simple fact remains: the only alliance that i look to compare my own to is laf. don't confuse disliking actions of an alliance with hating it. everybody gets heated when fluff hits the fan, but the twisting of words is what really riles people up and drags conflicts on longer than needed.

p.s. i'd also like to add that i had no idea about the sol/md/evo convo until it was posted on AT. if somebody had told me about it at the time then i would have nipped it in the bud. hanlong instead decided to play AT games. i also signed a uNAP with laf that set, so in reality all the talk of that convo is null and void. as HFA i signed a unap with laf - that's all that needs to be said.

Edited By: anoniem on Jul 20th 2012, 12:58:30
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