
RavenBF Game profile


Jul 25th 2012, 21:57:29

i doubt you actually read it with the time it took you to respond. If you had, you would realize what an insignificant effect humans have on global climate changes. I referance this video for you Ivan which shows you not only the diffrence between an argument and a contradiction, but gives you pointers on how to construct an argument vs just contradicting. when you can provide scientific evidence that refutes mine, i would be happy to engage you in an educated debate

also i do not deny that cleaner water, air, soil, ect ect is a bad thing, but the topic of discussion was simply global warming. So limited to that scope, the arguments for cleaner water, air ect ect do not apply to this topic.

Furthermore, I do not see regulation limiting pollution like, no dumping oil in water, emmissions regulations, $200 dollar fines for throwing your trash out the window are bad things.....but again, these are topics that are not within the scope of the argument.

Edited By: RavenBF on Jul 25th 2012, 22:26:49
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