
Pang Game profile

Game Development

Jul 28th 2012, 14:11:36

it's not mehul, it's an imposter unless mehul has been playing EE secretly for a long time and moved a couple of hundred miles from his coffee shop. :p

typically we ban ppl who steal mehul/old mods'/old players' forum accounts so we can hold them for the real users, but this is somewhat entertaining and I cbf'ed.

i also don't know if mehul would want to develop more apps in today's market unless he has forsaken his coffee business and got back into coding pretty seriously since he last touched ee/utopia. since his coffee shop is apparently successful, i'd bet he'd rather focus on that. his coffee shop website is built using late-90's HTML specs, so maybe it's possible! but i talked to jolt a bunch about the code for E2025 back when we were hopeful it would get work done and the code was... lacking for 2008-9 standards. that's one of the key reasons earth got little to no work done under both late Mehul and/or Jolt/Omac. the code was nearly unmaintainable and needed a major port to a proper web language; making even small changes was difficult and there were several hacks in (remember how the game went down every hour?). even utopia -- his baby til the end -- needed a recode, although it was definitely better. I have no way to verify any of this because it came from Jolt developers, but it does make sense given the weblanguages were done at the time.

either way, enjoy the thread for what it is, but don't get sucked into the "is this mehul?? hi mehul!" side of things.

on a side note, i bet if mehul came back he would give most folks a big hug.

Edited By: Pang on Jul 28th 2012, 14:13:41
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