


Aug 5th 2012, 7:05:13

2 countries joined rd a month into the reset
1 country was in hospital for 2 weeks and away on business another week, plus a few day power outage and was way behind turns
1 went away on business and didn't think he'd be able to log in for final 2 1/2 weeks so we dumped him around that point.

Tan was dropped since he was suicided a few times over, missed a bunch of turns and was gonna self delete but then started playing randomly when he logged on.

Oh what a conspiracy. These threads are laughable..The same folk that complain rd dropped those members were saying that another tag should have dropped members fitting that exact same sort of circumstances since that's what "should be done".

We had a number of members that missed a few hundred turns up to 1400 turns that we kept in our tag.

We started this reset with 26 members. 1 got killed and didn't restart, one tagged NM and likely should learn to be less annoying . Notice that leaves 24 countries which is the same number we finished the reset with?

So for us dropping inactives we also picked up late starters

Anyways flame away I don't really care. RD had a pretty nice run over the past year and did so while being suicided on multiple times by PP, kJ, KJs wife, and others over and over.

Game changed and we'll adapt.. Things will likely get tougher since landtrading was nerfed and laf and evo might net next reset but its been fun :)

So while some of you like PP seem always crazy going on rants likely having hair loss and heart issues from a text based game. We'll continue to in general ignore you and try to have fun and enjoy ourselves while talking to the more interesting folk here

Also I'd like to confratulate LCN and Neo for what they did this reset. Also special props to LaF and SoF for placing some countries while fighting all reset

Edited By: Mr.Silver on Aug 5th 2012, 7:21:30
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