
Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Aug 6th 2012, 7:41:53

Originally posted by Mr Snow:
Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
Originally posted by Mr Snow:
Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
Originally posted by Mr Snow:
China: 1.4 billion people, and state-sponsored athletics.

USA: 300mil(?) people, and no state-sponsored athletics.

China should be destroying the US and the rest of the world (I find it hilarious that PP is so jealous of the US yet he abbreviates 'rest of world' as ROW; even he sees how important and wonderful the US is. :P ) Just pointing that out for the haters.

PS. Love the olympics, and winners from any country as long as it's a good competition. Marathon is awesome.

PPS. Every. Single. pro. Damn those pro Kenyans.
dunno what the hell you're talking about, I'm whining about the US media spinning US medal counts into making it seem like the US is winning (in Beijing), not about *who* is actually winning

ps. stop being so jingoistic and getting offended by anything bad about america

pps. ROW is a commonly used abbreviation (infact type in "row" on wikipedia and go to the disambiguation page)

ppps. go run a marathon fatty, i have.

It is patently obvious to anybody with a brain that the US is actually kicking ass, as usual. Yeah, I'm American. No, I don't care much if you whine about the US...just taking a moment to point out how good the US is doing. You should recognize that, rather than whine and complain about something most people don't even notice or care about. But then again, you're a one-trick pony. It just gets old that you complain so much...try just rooting for your team rather than bringing others down.

Btw, I just got back from a 24-mile run. I thought of going 2.2 more miles and calling it a marathon, but I'm just in training. I have a 50k in a few third one. I've run multiple marathons. Signed up for 1/2 ironman in March. Full ironman to follow. Have you only done one marathon? lol
I've run three, internet toughguy.

But hey, way to divert and talk about something random instead of addressing the point that I was making about you just going on a random "OMFG ITS PP HE MADE EVERYONE THINK RD CHEATS MUST BE ANGRY AT HIM".

And you weren't "pointing out how well the US was doing." You were having your typical "omfg PP" rage attack and said something retarded. I'm looking at your original post here: outside of the postscripts, literally nothing is a good argument.

This proves you are a petty troll, nothing more, nothing less. After my reply, I'm an internet tough guy? That's irony defined.

Here's on topic: OMG THE US CHANGES THE WAY THEY COUNT MEDALS, ITZ THE END OF TEH WORLDZ!!!ONE What a horrible thing. What a pathetic reason to be whiny. Almost nobody cares or even notices it except people like you. Bitter, whiny people who would rather look for something to moan about rather than congratulate. Bringing up RD in a thread about the Olympics is further testament to your one-trick pony status.

Outside of the 'row' comment, everything I said makes perfect sense. As usual, you're too bitter to admit it. The Chinese should be dominating the Olympics and they're not. What's wrong with that?

Try to be a little positive and say something good about the Olympics. I can't wait for the men's marathon. All the running events are amazing. Since you've run a few marathons I'm sure you're excited about the last event of the games. Chin up, buddy.
you're the one whining about it. I clarified the system for locket, outside of that I had like one post on the topic except when Klown had basically the same jingoistic reaction as you.

And no, it doesn't make sense. Sure, China should be "dominating" - but on that same basis, the US and India should be doing a lot better as well... infact by your argument, most big countries are doing fluff, which doesn't really work. Seeing as you were doing your typical "US HOME OF THE FREE DONT YOU DARE CRITICIZE NBC COVERAGE" whine, you probably wanted the US to end up number 1 so I'm guessing the fact that it wouldn't be close to it wasn't your goal.

The kind of training available to athletes in the US is so far above what you get in most of the world. The kind of coaching and facilities available to US people through their educational system is just crazy. In the UK (which is pretty well covered relative to the rest of the world), it just doesn't exist. As an example that I just heard about recently, probably not the most extreme thing: Want to row in the Olympics? Even at the best rowing school in the country, you have to drop out to train - the school won't organise a training programme for you. George Nash (GB pair, won bronze) took a year off from Cambridge for a year to pursue rowing. But at least one other Cantab rower who would've at least stood a chance to get on their country's 8 couldn't take a year out because their academic scholarship wouldn't allow it. An athletic scholarship? Don't be silly.

edit: and there's no system in place for athletes with a C average to make it to schools requiring As either. admissions are done almost regardless of athletic ability, at the most it's a differentiator between two students with similar grades. US athletes have it so good...

Edited By: Pontius Pirate on Aug 6th 2012, 7:59:45
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Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF