
Drow Game profile


Aug 6th 2012, 14:35:56

jabberwocky: I'd swear you were calling people out. Very big of you when we all know RD won't attack an opposing alliance unless they're already engaged in a war, their back is turned and they're on one knee, just in case they might muster a decent fight back.
But then, of course RD are happy to have big mouths and call people out right now, because you know that SoF and LaF will help you gang bang anyone who takes up your call out.

Further, PDM has made the reasons we are pissed with you quite clear, multiple times over. What I find hilarious is that you were ALSO DP'd to SoL, so in hitting MD when you did, and ensuring that SoF/LaF were handed a war win on a silver platter, you screwed over not one, but TWO different allies, all for the sake of (at the time) ONE ally.
PDM won't forget, of that you can be certain. By all means continue to land trade internally, as it's the only land trading you'll get.
And please, continue to make a fool of yourself.

Edited By: Drow on Aug 6th 2012, 14:41:20
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