
Tigress Game profile


Aug 12th 2012, 0:15:50

Most builds will have

180 - 220 Construction Sites (CS)
- These are built early to gain the most benefit from Build Per Turn

CS count can go to 280-320
- If planning on getting a lot of land thru land grabs
-- likewise if planning on converting your build to all military base to destock.

200 - 400 industrial complexes (to produce spies exclusively)
-- unless going industrialist in which case most of your build will be Industrial Complexes

Most strategies will carry the following technologies for net gaining:

- Business and Residential to help with revenue and lower cash losses per turn

- Military tech to lower costs of carrying military and to buy military from their private market either when destocking or when prices are too high on the public market.

- Weapons tech, allows the country to have a smaller military foot print with the same offensive and defensive power as larger militaries with no weapons tech. useful in keeping expenses down.



Builds Enterprise Zones and Residence usually with a 1:1 ratio.
Income is affected by the percentage of land covered by each. -- -- The closer these are to 50% each, the more population you will have and the higher your per capita income will be.

Technologies to purchase are Business and Residential again with a 1:1 Ratio.

The strategy is to get to a high land goal usually by the half way point or just a little beyond that and then cash as many remaining turns as possible. Use the cash generated to buy bushels, and place them on the public market for sale at an extremely high price (i.e above $300), this is called stocking. Destocking is when you sell those bushels to buy military at the end of the reset.

keeping large amounts of cash on hand will cause corruption wherein you begin to lose a portion of your income on every turn taken. It may also make you a target, if the returns on an attack yields large amounts of cash.

Note Cashers consume large amounts of food and will need to buy food, military and technology with the cash they generate this is normal. Do not try to generate your own tech military or food.


Builds as close to 100% Research labs

Tech per turn is affected by the percentage of land covered by Research labs.

Techers make their money by selling technology points on the public market. You want to sell multiple times per day and as much of the tech you produced as possible. End of reset prices usually plummet so you want to get rid of as much of your tech as possible as early as possible, when prices are higher.

Techers also stock bushels with the cash they generate.

Techers are known to lose cash and food per turn. again this is normal. do not try to get a positive income, generate your own food or military. buy these items as needed from the market.



Farmers build mostly farms and sell food to buy the military and technology points they need.

main technology to buy is Agricultural tech

Farmers are known to have negative income, keep a portion of the sales proceeds available to take turns.



Build mostly Industrial Complexes and sell military on the public market for cash to buy tech, food and have cash to take turns.

main technology to buy is Industrial tech.

you may also want to look at :

Edited By: Tigress on Aug 12th 2012, 0:19:08
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Happy Hunting
