Sep 7th 2012, 13:27:07
Originally posted by Atryn:
Originally posted by Rockman:
TMBR and DMBR are by far the weakest strategies and they very badly need a boost to be able to compete with other strategies.
That's BS. I can think of far weaker strategies.
Are you ever going to make rainbow a viable strategy? It badly needs a boost. Maybe a bonus for building diversity that recognizes increased efficiency due to civ specialization?
For every other "weaker" strategy, there's an easy fix of just switching to the proper government (i.e. go commie for indy, fascist for oiler, republic/democracy/dictator/theocracy for casher, fascist/tyranny/democracy/dictator for farmer, theocracy/tyranny/democracy for techer). But you cannot fix MBR and make it competitive with other strategies merely by switching to the proper government. Theocracy and Democracy are the only two proper governments for MBR. Obviously, Commie MBR isn't as good as Theocracy MBR. But Commie MBR doesn't need a boost - a MBR just shouldn't go Commie. But MBR needs a boost - we shouldn't have an unwritten rule that military bases should not be built during the first 75% of the set. It's fine having an unwritten rule that indies should be communist - that can be fairly easily figured out from the way the governments are setup. But the MBR strategy, regardless of government type, not being competitive with other strategies is a problem.
If you think that theocracy farmer or republic indy being weak means that the MBR strategy doesn't need a boost, then you're quite illogical.
Lastly, rainbow is not a strategy. It is a generalized term to describe any country that is not using a strategy and is mixing buildings without any thought or purpose behind it. It is by definition the lack of a strategy, so rainbow "strategy" is a contradiction.