


Sep 12th 2012, 2:33:58

"The government..."forced" banks to make bad loans in the name of getting everyone in a home"

wow, really? The government forced banks to lend predatory mortgages? I will allow that there are a few in government who have their fingers in both pies and stand to scoop bonuses from the banks as "consultants" or whatever... but to say that the government created the conditions for this type of banking to occur "forces" the banks to lend in this way... that's crazy talk man.

Banks gave subprime loans to people who couldn't pay for if because the risk was off of their backs. Banks grouped all of these fluffty loans into Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs) and sold them off as AAA rated investments. Banks got their money out of it without any risk. Banks gave their employees bonuses for giving people sub prime mortgages.

So, let me get this straight. The government forced banks to find a loophole like this? Give your head a shake. Nobody had to twist their arms to make billions of dollars... I'm pretty sure it was their idea.

Lastly, I'm not talking about business regulation or industrial regulation or anything like that. If you've been following along you would know that I am talking about financial regulation... you know, the cause of your economic fallout.

Go read Ayn Rand or something.

Edited By: Dissidenticn on Sep 12th 2012, 2:37:30
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