
SAM_DANGER Game profile


Sep 14th 2012, 5:14:23

Originally posted by ericownsyou5:
A devout Christian Libertarian? Do you find many conflicting ideologies? (no troll)

I am an admirer of Gary Johnson.

Messed up story, btw.

Christianity and Libertaranism are far from mutually exclusive. In fact, I believe they mesh perfectly. I'm often baffled by the animosity displayed by some Libertarians towards Christians, especially some of Ron Paul's fans, who I believe cost him a lot of support with their anti-religious bigotry.

In my opinion, Libertarians hold more steadfastly to the principles of our founding than any other current political ideology.. some even more steadfastly than many of the founders themselves. While not all of the founders were Christian, many were. They all believed that freedom was the "natural state of man", and the Christans among them believed that natural state was the way God intended us to live. Hence references to Nature's Law and Nature's God.

Jesus taught us to be moral, but He did not teach us to force morality on others. That is a perversion of His teachings, brought to us by His imperfect followers. (I'm not claiming to be perfect with that comment by the way. As humans, we are all imperfect)

Jesus did not condemn the sinners. He dined with them. He admonished us to give to others of our own free will, not to force others via government to be charitable.

And most importantly, He never taught that others should be forced to believe in Him or God. Christian salvation comes from what is in one's heart, and can never be forced on someone.

I see nothing in Jesus' teachings that contradicts Libertarian philosophy.


Edited By: SAM_DANGER on Sep 14th 2012, 5:19:12. Reason: Capitalization error
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