
Alin Game profile


Sep 18th 2012, 16:54:38


I and other members with big mouth like mine has a lot to add to this game in comparation with the few that cheated to win - and dragged 75% of the server into it. Those incompetent bastards that can`t play an online texed based game in a honorable way, made alliances server bleed members.

And for your information i do not hate a "whole" group - just the leading crew who allowed and supported "things".

Why do you think the game admins are damn pissed on half of the alliance server ? Because they lack moral, integrity and they are dishonest.

Take the Son Goku exemple above - all that he did was " yea we cheated but it wasn`t that bad - yea this is the 10th time we did it in our history but it wasn`t so bad; Suck it up!!!" And you brilliant leadership crew stood back those facts.Pfft, he dosen`t even have the shame to at least stay the fluff out of this type of threads.

And i did not started the personal attacks thing - but just end it.

Edited By: Alin on Sep 18th 2012, 16:56:43
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