Sep 20th 2012, 17:38:35
is that a good article, or a proper view point on the subject?
i'm still trying to figure how they know what Mohamed looks like if there isn't supposed to be any idoltry in the religion. why are they idolizing him instead of following the will of God? maybe most Muslims don't do it, maybe Muslims aren't even showing up to the protests and it's just a bunch of Christians who dress like Muslims? hmm, they might be Jews dressed as Christians pretending to be Muslims... technically, as far as i'm concerned, and until i see anything that substantiates that the Israelis stole the religion from somebody else, i'm going to call it their religion and their one True God, and everybody else is just a bunch of posing copy-cats.
is that a good article, or a proper view point on the subject?
i'm still trying to figure how they know what Mohamed looks like if there isn't supposed to be any idoltry in the religion. why are they idolizing him instead of following the will of God? maybe most Muslims don't do it, maybe Muslims aren't even showing up to the protests and it's just a bunch of Christians who dress like Muslims? hmm, they might be Jews dressed as Christians pretending to be Muslims... technically, as far as i'm concerned, and until i see anything that substantiates that the Israelis stole the religion from somebody else, i'm going to call it their religion and their one True God, and everybody else is just a bunch of posing copy-cats.
Edited By: Dibs Ludicrous on Sep 20th 2012, 17:42:59. Reason: Blarney.
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