
lymz Game profile


Sep 21st 2012, 22:25:49

This was about the Arizona National Committewoman vote that they failed to conclude at the convention back in May. They did only 1 round, and did not complete the runoff. Then they sat on it for over 3 months, and did noting about it. They waited until after the National Convention, to say "oh look, it's vacant now; this is how it gets filled (and it can be anyone, doesn't have to be the 3 that were originally on the first ballot)."

So, I sent a resolution to our district chairman several days ago resolving some of these main points; condemning the state party; and requesting that only those 2 eligible for runoff be considered. I took the resolution from some other groups that were using the same thing and added the 2 eligible for runoff. She allotted some time for me to present and speak on it last night.

I even had opposition from a gentleman who was the CD chair at the convention; and he's now on the nominating committee. Read: establishment guy.

Anyway, it came down to 60 PCs present who could vote. 37 voted in favor to pass, leaving 23 who did not. It passed!!! And we did not even get to use our 9 proxies!

By the way, we were told that this is the first time in this this district and previous district (re-organization) that our chairwoman had a resolution brought forward. And it passed!

Edited By: lymz on Sep 21st 2012, 23:00:33
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