
cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 22nd 2012, 7:18:13

Originally posted by galleri:

..Lastly I am sure hawk probably logged in the clan site recently. But last he logged into ee or the forums was the 14th of Sept. When I go to advise Scode, I check a few things first....what has been said on AT recently, what has been said in our clan site. If hawk is retired and vetos stuff in monsters.. is he not so informed on what else is going on out there?

Galleri i'm not sure what the official line is, but seems that using your admin access to 'check a few things' for your alliance might be a bit unethical.

I mean, i can understand using your admin access to change your country name within five minutes of creation, i see no conflict of interest there.. and the first login after midnight (+20 acres) at the same time with your safelisted 'other' over and over and over again _could_ look a bit suspicious to an outside observer, well i suppose that could be explained as "a really close relationship, we do everything together!" but using your admin access for researching info for your alliance leader - was that part of the job description?

Almost makes me wonder if, when Pang gave you boxcar admin, your haha comment that you can see who's online in Monsters (even though we're invisible) was more than a joke.

Edited By: cyref on Sep 22nd 2012, 7:35:50
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