
aponic Game profile


Oct 2nd 2012, 14:23:58

Let me make a list of horrible dictators ("Presidents") the United States has supported or installed up to 1990:

Vinicio Cerezo - Guatemala
Manuel Noriega - Panama
Augusto Pinochet - Chile
Alfred Stroessner - Paraguay
Francois & Jean Claude Duvalier - Haiti
Robert Suazo Cordova - Honduras
Efrain Rios Mont - Guatemala
Jorge Rafael Videla - Argentina
Anastasio Somoza, Sr. & Jr. - Nicaragua
Humberto Branco - Brazil
Rafael Leonidas Trujillo - Dominican Republic
Fulgencio Batista - Cuba
Maximiliano Hernandez Martinez - El Salvador
Turgut Ozal - Turkey
George Papdopoulos - Greece
Antonio de Oliviera Salazar - Portugal
Francisco Franco - Spain
Hussan II - Morocco
Mohammad Reza Pahlevi - Iran
Mobutu Sese Seko - Zaire
Samuel Doe - Liberia
P. W. Botha - South Africa
Ian Smith - Rhodesia
Halie Selassie - Ethiopia
General Suharto - Indonesia
Sitiveni Rabuka - Fiji
Sir Hassan Bolkiah - Brunei
Mohammed Zia Ul-Haq - Pakistan
Ferdinand Marcos - Philippines
Park Chung Hee - South Korea
Ngo Dihn Diem - South Vietnam
Chiang Kai-Shek - Taiwan
Alfred Cristiani - El Salvador
Hugo Banzer - Bolivia

If you get you are unaware that the United States has meddled in the sovereignty of more nations than any other country in the last 80 years then you should reconsider your political views.

If you are unaware that the United States spends more money on defense than the next five largest military spenders combined, you may want to reconsider your political views.

If you think that Iran is more of a threat to the United States than Korea or Pakistan then you should reconsider your political views.

If you think that Israel is in the defensive position and not Iran then you might want to check your pulse to see if you are alive, then check your face in the mirror to see if you are sober enough to actually think.

Realize that if you have not put an effort into researching a given topic then you probably know only superficial knowledge about it. Those accepting superficial knowledge are easily deceived.

Edited By: aponic on Oct 2nd 2012, 14:25:59
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