
Klown Game profile


Oct 4th 2012, 23:15:00

And Obama didn't lie? For example, repeating the lie from that study claiming Romney will raise taxes on the middle class? Romney has stated the following:

1) He is going to cut the marginal tax rate for all brackets.
2) He will not add to the deficit in doing so.
3) He is going to pay for the marginal rate cut by eliminating deductions for the upper brackets.

The name of the group that did the study escapes me, but they looked at this and said that at a marginal rate cut of 20%, all 3 assumptions cannot hold. Therefore, the assumption Romney is going to violate is number three and eliminate deductions for lower tax brackets.

Obama has taken this and run with it, saying Romney is going to raise taxes on middle class families by $2500. He can get away with this lie because of the study. The flaw in the study is that for whatever reason, they say the assumption Romney will violate is number three. Romney has never said any such thing. Would it not make more sense, rather than violating one of the three promises, instead to keep them by decreasing the cut to the marginal rate? Say, decrease the marginal rates by 15% instead of 20%. By doing that, Romney is keeping his promises and is NOT raising taxes on the middle class. Instead, they assume he will break his promise because they set that 20% number in stone, which is dishonest.

I should also mention that the study neglects to account for economic growth, which will broaden the base.

Edited By: Klown on Oct 4th 2012, 23:18:51
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