


Oct 10th 2012, 3:46:22

[quote poster=Pontius Pirate; 20569; 380748]
Originally posted by [IX]Mobster:
My wife grew up with no money, no rich family, and she went to school, got straight A's so she could get scholarships which then paid her way through school, and graduated with a 3.94 GPA through MBA school. She has a nice job now needless to say and the Walton family certainly didn't hold her back, no rich person held her back, and no government held her back. If anything the government is taking quite a bit of our money tax wise. She brought herself to where she is in life, period. People need to be willing to work hard enough to make their way in life, we are a much lazier and entitled society then prior generations. We would rather watch nightly shows on our 50' tvs, or play video games, or watch reality tv, then to go out and make something of ourselves greater.

In America, you really work to where you are content with, and that is not a fault of any government or rich person, period.
Huh? Who do you think paid for those schools? Who do you think paid for that scholarship? Who's the biggest funder of university research in the US?

Do you seriously think the public schooling system as it is right now offers equal opportunities for everyone? [/quote]

Your argument is null, she went to a private school. Also, she was home-schooled, any other excuses you would like to make?

Edited By: [IX]Mobster on Oct 10th 2012, 3:48:52
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