


Oct 10th 2012, 21:25:28

In order for an oiler to be profitable long term(beyond about week 1.5), you need to be able to sell oil for 5.5X the price of bushels. So... Bushels at $50/ea mid set? Hell, even a average of $44 for the entire set, need to sell oil at $242/bbl.

The only reason it can be beneficial to run oiler early is if you can sell oil for 2.5x the price of bushels. Which is usually something you are able to do. Selling oil for $80-110/bbl while the rest of farmers haven't bought any tech yet means you are making more money than a farmer of equal land.

Seriously, if we all seem to know that best casher strats are 11:10 ENT/RES, then how the hell do you guys not all know when it becomes profitable to run an oiler?

Edited By: Wharfed on Oct 10th 2012, 21:30:09
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