


Oct 11th 2012, 13:44:59

Hahaha my man! Your level of economic education is a wiki entry? When you were ripping on CK, I figured you at least had a decent background. After reading that wiki page, I can't even figure out what school of thought you believe in. It can't be Keynesian, you would have gone straight to the Keynesian Multiplier theory to try and debunk CK's argument. It might be Marxian, but even then it seems to align just a little bit. From the information you gave me, I can really only assume you have very little to no economic education. If you do have a little bit of education then it definitely doesn't come from a pure economic study. It sounds more like what you would learn in a sociology or psychology class. That is unfortunate though, I was hoping to have a decent conversation with another person familiar with economics, even if we do disagree. I simply have no time to waste reading any more wiki literature that you post. I mean what is the point in debating something when all the other person does is google a word like "economics" and just sites the very first thing they see?

Edited By: ColoOutlaw on Oct 15th 2012, 9:55:32
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