
locket Game profile


Oct 15th 2012, 4:30:36

That's funny whiner. Instead of instantly posting on the forums perhaps you should look at a fun fact first.

A total of 14 countries in Laf have done at least one attack in the last 24 hours. That is nothing. Apparently we are not allowed to grab or net anymore. We should only do all explores like last set.

What is Laf to do? Farming untaggeds is bad. Farming actual clans or small tags is bad. Are we only allowed to hit people like Sof?

I said last set that if Laf actually started grabbing there would be fluffing. It hasn't even started yet and you are fluffing. I'd love to see what you thought if half of Laf was doing grabs.

Edited By: locket on Oct 15th 2012, 6:33:11
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