
de1i Game profile


Jul 1st 2010, 5:19:09

Originally posted by W:
if they really want to netgain, maybe they'll get a more sensible conducive to netgaining?

either way, i don't mind dying again and again. not sure why people get so flustered about it.

RD has had one of the most reasonable and easy to understand philosophies since forever:

Do not mess with them and they will not mess with you.

Their 1:kill policy is just another reflection of this philosophy. A philosophy (and policy )they time and time again have proven they are (capable and) willing to enforce.

I've had plenty of run ins with the colors and found them completely reasonable to deal with if you treat them with respect. They understand mistakes happen and more than likely are willing to negotiate when they do.

Unfortunately people are unable to look beyond RD's checkered past and just leave them be. So on that note...


Edited By: de1i on Jul 1st 2010, 5:20:38
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