


Oct 16th 2012, 5:11:44

"by grace through faith" statement seems misunderstood.

A lot of different christian faiths tip-toe around that one. I visited one where they said " you are saved by faith in Christ alone" but then followed that " as such you need to live the principles taught to accept this" they just didn't want to call it "works". Essentially it's the same thing just different vocabulary.

The LDS view is All men are saved by Christ. Without him it is impossible to be saved. However, we must do everything in our power as well.

ie: if you decided to steal 100$ from someone, then "repented", and stole the next day. you're not exactly living up to your repentance. You should also try to make restitution for the thing which you've done (ie: pay them back) You must actively be trying to improve and get better.

a primary story that's told is.... A Kid wants a bike. the bike costs $200. The parent tells the kid to save what he can for the next couple months. The kid does what he can and manages to save $15.00. The kid then goes to the store and his Dad pays 185.00 along with his 15. and the kid gets the bike.

It was going to be impossible for that kid to save up the money and he needed the help. but the parent paid the rest when the kid did all he could.

Edited By: Mr.Silver on Oct 16th 2012, 6:32:48
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