
Over The Hill Game profile


Oct 20th 2012, 20:47:03

Originally posted by galleri:

Nah this was planned by Rival since last set....the whole server knew this as every clan out there except Rival came to tell me they were coming this set.

I do believe you knew that Rival was the next alliance after THE Monsters standing in line to give IMAG a beatdown

I commented on scode's war declaration that his reasoning to FS LCN was pathetic at the very least.
Your quoted comment Galleri just proved me right....scode just wanted to ruin another alliance's reset before getting your asses handed to you again.

otherwise why wouldn't you FS Rival before they get you......or prepare your countries for a Counter Strike should Rival be the one to hit you first

I wonder who the next alliance in waiting is that Imag will have to deal with next reset.

scode needs to get his act together real fast

Edited By: Over The Hill on Oct 20th 2012, 20:52:29
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