Oct 27th 2012, 20:49:10
I'm just gonna post this here because as a new player, I may not get what the Admins are trying to do fully here, but this did not seem right to me..
The Info as you requested, if I missed something please let me know:
2012-10-27 19:26:04 AB BigStickPolicy (#7) msg me if you are new in game (#151) 24B
2012-10-27 19:24:35 CM BigStickPolicy (#7) msg me if you are new in game (#151) 384B 20121 C
2012-10-27 19:24:33 CM BigStickPolicy (#7) msg me if you are new in game (#151) 400B 23128 C
2012-10-27 19:24:31 CM BigStickPolicy (#7) msg me if you are new in game (#151) 416B 26583 C
2012-10-27 19:24:24 NM BigStickPolicy (#7) msg me if you are new in game (#151) 554A
2012-10-27 19:24:22 NM BigStickPolicy (#7) msg me if you are new in game (#151) 583A
2012-10-27 14:48:07 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) DH
2012-10-27 14:47:32 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) DH
2012-10-27 14:47:30 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) DH
2012-10-27 14:47:29 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 154B
2012-10-27 14:47:28 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 157B
2012-10-27 14:47:27 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 159B
2012-10-27 14:47:26 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 161B
2012-10-27 14:47:23 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 163B
2012-10-27 14:46:05 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) DH
2012-10-27 14:46:04 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 169B
2012-10-27 14:46:03 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 172B
2012-10-27 14:46:02 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 176B
2012-10-27 14:46:01 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 180B
2012-10-27 14:45:56 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 183B
2012-10-27 14:44:42 CM msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 810B 32444 C
2012-10-27 14:44:31 EM msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 66021MU
2012-10-27 14:44:30 EM msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 66658MU
2012-10-27 14:44:25 EM msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 67301MU
2012-10-27 14:43:48 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) DH
2012-10-27 14:43:47 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 190B
2012-10-27 14:43:46 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 194B
2012-10-27 14:43:45 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 198B
2012-10-27 14:43:38 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 202B
2012-10-27 14:43:09 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) DH
2012-10-27 14:42:47 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 204B
msg me if you are new in game (#151) Info:
Government: Theocracy
Land = 11,659 Acres
Enterprise Zones = 0
Residences = 0
Industrial Complexes = 535
Military Bases = 0
Research Labs = 0
Farms = 10,985
Oil Rigs = 0
Construction Sites = 95
Unused Lands = 44
Networth = $5,661,432
Tanks = 468,223 (WHEN I HIT)
Tanks = ~1,708,223 (WHEN HE HIT ME*)
My Country - BigStickPolicy (#7) Info:
Government: Democracy
Land = 27,322
Enterprise Zones = 399
Residences = 389
Industrial Complexes = 644
Military Bases = 19,944
Research Labs = 2224
Farms = 25
Oil Rigs = 8
Construction Sites = 138
Unused Lands = 3551
Networth = $9,673,315
Tanks = ~1,103,753 (WHEN HE HIT ME**)
*I totaled up his tanks from my spy report plus the tanks he lost attacking me with his AB, any other activity I can't see.
**I totaled up my tanks at login plus the tanks lost from his AB attacks, but did not add anything lost from the EM strikes.
*** When he hit me I was fully built with over 22k MB's except for 40 acres that were fee bonus acres. Also, When I logged off I was at about 11.5mil networth, but had military on the market All buildings and networths above are after his hits.
As for special attacks, he hit me with 15 out of 21 AB's and 3 EM's and 1 CM (if those count). I hit him with 2 NM and 3 CM before sending my 1 AB, then trying 1 Bomb Buildings spy op, but I only got 9 buildings destroyed out of that..
Then I said to myself, "This is doing nowhere near the damage he is doing to me per hit." Its taking me 3 turns (Demo) attacking to do just over half a turn of damage to him just rebuilding. He is doing 3-4 turns of damage just rebuilding to me while spending 2 turns attacking. A country with ~42.67% of my land size and 58.53% of my networth is destroying ~6.42 times the buildings on his worst hits and ~8.5 times on his best hits..
The Info as you requested, if I missed something please let me know:
2012-10-27 19:26:04 AB BigStickPolicy (#7) msg me if you are new in game (#151) 24B
2012-10-27 19:24:35 CM BigStickPolicy (#7) msg me if you are new in game (#151) 384B 20121 C
2012-10-27 19:24:33 CM BigStickPolicy (#7) msg me if you are new in game (#151) 400B 23128 C
2012-10-27 19:24:31 CM BigStickPolicy (#7) msg me if you are new in game (#151) 416B 26583 C
2012-10-27 19:24:24 NM BigStickPolicy (#7) msg me if you are new in game (#151) 554A
2012-10-27 19:24:22 NM BigStickPolicy (#7) msg me if you are new in game (#151) 583A
2012-10-27 14:48:07 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) DH
2012-10-27 14:47:32 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) DH
2012-10-27 14:47:30 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) DH
2012-10-27 14:47:29 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 154B
2012-10-27 14:47:28 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 157B
2012-10-27 14:47:27 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 159B
2012-10-27 14:47:26 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 161B
2012-10-27 14:47:23 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 163B
2012-10-27 14:46:05 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) DH
2012-10-27 14:46:04 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 169B
2012-10-27 14:46:03 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 172B
2012-10-27 14:46:02 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 176B
2012-10-27 14:46:01 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 180B
2012-10-27 14:45:56 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 183B
2012-10-27 14:44:42 CM msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 810B 32444 C
2012-10-27 14:44:31 EM msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 66021MU
2012-10-27 14:44:30 EM msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 66658MU
2012-10-27 14:44:25 EM msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 67301MU
2012-10-27 14:43:48 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) DH
2012-10-27 14:43:47 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 190B
2012-10-27 14:43:46 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 194B
2012-10-27 14:43:45 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 198B
2012-10-27 14:43:38 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 202B
2012-10-27 14:43:09 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) DH
2012-10-27 14:42:47 AB msg me if you are new in game (#151) BigStickPolicy (#7) 204B
msg me if you are new in game (#151) Info:
Government: Theocracy
Land = 11,659 Acres
Enterprise Zones = 0
Residences = 0
Industrial Complexes = 535
Military Bases = 0
Research Labs = 0
Farms = 10,985
Oil Rigs = 0
Construction Sites = 95
Unused Lands = 44
Networth = $5,661,432
Tanks = 468,223 (WHEN I HIT)
Tanks = ~1,708,223 (WHEN HE HIT ME*)
My Country - BigStickPolicy (#7) Info:
Government: Democracy
Land = 27,322
Enterprise Zones = 399
Residences = 389
Industrial Complexes = 644
Military Bases = 19,944
Research Labs = 2224
Farms = 25
Oil Rigs = 8
Construction Sites = 138
Unused Lands = 3551
Networth = $9,673,315
Tanks = ~1,103,753 (WHEN HE HIT ME**)
*I totaled up his tanks from my spy report plus the tanks he lost attacking me with his AB, any other activity I can't see.
**I totaled up my tanks at login plus the tanks lost from his AB attacks, but did not add anything lost from the EM strikes.
*** When he hit me I was fully built with over 22k MB's except for 40 acres that were fee bonus acres. Also, When I logged off I was at about 11.5mil networth, but had military on the market All buildings and networths above are after his hits.
As for special attacks, he hit me with 15 out of 21 AB's and 3 EM's and 1 CM (if those count). I hit him with 2 NM and 3 CM before sending my 1 AB, then trying 1 Bomb Buildings spy op, but I only got 9 buildings destroyed out of that..
Then I said to myself, "This is doing nowhere near the damage he is doing to me per hit." Its taking me 3 turns (Demo) attacking to do just over half a turn of damage to him just rebuilding. He is doing 3-4 turns of damage just rebuilding to me while spending 2 turns attacking. A country with ~42.67% of my land size and 58.53% of my networth is destroying ~6.42 times the buildings on his worst hits and ~8.5 times on his best hits..
Other than Earth Empires I also play Battlefield games: