
dex Game profile


Nov 3rd 2012, 18:44:09

Republicans want Libya to be Obama's Iran Hostage crisis.

I've never seem supposedly patriotic people (Republicans owns the whole patriotism thing ya know) be so giddy Americans were killed.

One of the 4 killed is actually a young tech dude who is BIG EVE ONLINE player. I can totally see it being an Earther being in the same position.

Also chances of Romney actually winning is slipping as pools consistently show Obama ahead in key swing statss such as Ohio, NH and IA. And he really only needs those 3 to clinch 270.

There's no Romentum, Obama has actually gained on the polls in the last 10 days, and all Fox news has left is to play up Benghazi.

Also don't throw away your vote to a third party.

Edited By: dex on Nov 3rd 2012, 18:46:24
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