
iScode Game profile


Nov 19th 2012, 6:46:19

[quote poster=Duna; 21463; 395755]
Originally posted by anoniem:

-------- GENERAL INFO ---------
Why LCN? I think they prefer good fight instead of wasting reset after imag. As for me, I apologize to the LCN, if I'm wrong. I never wanted to hurt you.

And yes, EVO&LCN are not well prepared, but EVO has a HUGE stock, this will allow you to break any target. And you guys in EVO did a well job back to june. LCN is good warriors also. On other hand RIVAL has more than 20 members, who has very small experience in EE, and 14 countries with number over 700 (=lost turns). And its 61v68 (11% more members). So, stop crying and orgineze killruns with LCN. If you will fight back, you have not bad chances to win.

from a war leaders point of view, this war was over before the FS was made.

LCN / EVO's disadvantages far outweigh the advantages you have stated.

First of all, they may have more members but having two alliances fight along side each other is a lot harder than fighting one on one. Based on previous experience I believe it reduces war effectiveness by about 10% due to target selection planning, co-ordinating offline targets, trying to have your members follow other leaders orders. People (myself included) have said that is has no effect, I now disagree with this from personal experience.

Second, the obvious one, they didnt get the FS advantage. No stored turns, so you will out hit them by a mile in the first 48 hours, and then from there on will continue to out hit them.

Third, its late in the set, they will not have a chance to be able to absorb the FS and use the number advantage to get any footing back in the war, especially as after 48 hours I would expect at least 25 of those 68 dead.

Fourth, I would guess that your target selection focused on High stock and high spal countries as well as using your high spals effectively to remove any missiles they had. Well you would of been able to ensure 80-90% of your missiles were used before they could be defused.

Also without any spy countries, the stock they do have will get used quickly, not being able to demo/cd targets this late in the set is a huge drain on stock, so while rival is limiting the damage on the stock you have by using your high spal countries for CD/demo after the initial 48 hours (i would say you would target easy kill/ high stock countries while focusing on using your spies for removing any missiles they have correct?) evo/lcn will be having to use far more stock to get kills (not to mention wallers who get online with fluff loads of turns on hand due to saving, sucking up even more stock.)

I have no opinion on the reasons for this war Duna or have no interest in the out come :). I am just pointing out from a neutral point of view, that any war leader, or anyone who has lead a war could tell you that the result of this war was a forgone conclusion before it started.

I could only see once alliance in this position, having a 10% member advantage, being able to absorb an FS, this late in the set, from netting mode and being able to turn it around and win, and that is SoF, and again, it would have to be them on their own, not SOF at 30/40 members + another alliance.

Edited By: iScode on Nov 19th 2012, 6:48:58
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