
Xinhuan Game profile


Nov 26th 2012, 3:39:50

OMA: That's really how this server is, it is essentially a race to the top. If for some reason you fall out of the top (i.e your NW falls less than half the rank 1's NW), you are likely to get farmed out of the top 40.

The way to climb into the top 40 when you are already behind, usually involves holding A LOT of jets to retal the top 40. This does put you at risk from being attacked from countries below you though. Alternatively, just holding 1b cash on hand is also sufficient to deter most countries from grabbing your brother. It essentially boils down to "the ability to retal".

Also, I hope your brother is safelisted with you.

Early in the game (first 2 weeks), it is doubly important not to look land fat. Once past the first 3-4 weeks, even if you are land thin, you WILL get grabbed by the top 40 if you are below half their NW as targets run thin. Unless you're like thinner than most.

Edited By: Xinhuan on Nov 26th 2012, 3:42:02
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