
Alin Game profile


Dec 28th 2012, 11:09:35

You flip-flop more than a sunny day on the beach and decide upon the worst course of action.

Enjoy being our farmland

For their own sake it would have been better for them if they didn't enter but it is what it is.

Sof is constantly creating an atmosphere of fear around them. Is not the type of "fear for your life" fear, but people are scared and threaten to loose their "On-line comunities".
Worked out so far with a lot of weak ( leadership ) alliances.

Ingame examples:
we will make MD quit (#877)
MD youre dead set by set (#802)
we will make MD quit the game (#942)

Another example is AT & every-time a Sof head is opening his mouth.

INTIMIDATION AND THREATENING ( another example in this game is SAM DANGER | - * | ). The world DANGER is scaring me as much as Sof is !!!

Threatening behaviors may be conceptualized as a maladaptive outgrowth of normal competitive urge for interrelational dominance generally seen in animals. Alternatively, intimidation may result from the type of comunity in which individuals are socialized, as human beings are generally reluctant to engage in confrontation or threaten violence.

Like all behavioral traits it exists in greater or lesser manifestation in each individual person over time, but may be a more significant "compensatory behavior" for some as opposed to others. Behavioral theorists often see threatening behaviours as a consequence of being threatened by others, including parents, authority figures, playmates and siblings.

Intimidation may be manifested in such manner as physical contacts, glowering countenance, emotional manipulation, verbal abuse, making someone feel lower than you, purposeful embarrassment and/or actual physical assault.

And example of a physical assault in EE would be iScode and a sheep. The other examples fits Sofs leader-board and the way they are playing politics.

Edited By: Alin on Dec 28th 2012, 11:13:17
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