
galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jan 3rd 2013, 5:42:06

Originally posted by maverickmd:
We are all aware of Randy's sense of humour :) We were FDP'ed with your this round iScode out of respect plain and simple. We respect you as a leader and we respect Imag as an alliance. We are happy to see you doing so well in membership and having a great war performance. Our FDP with you was meant as a starting point for friendship. We are sorry that we were not able to share all of our details with you, but we continue to respect you and are happy to express this respect in whichever manner you choose.

I am late coming into this thread...sorry. It was actually brought to my attention tonight.
First off...I, that is me aka galleri aka HFA of iMag OFFERED MD an FDP. Not scode. It was I and Randy that signed the pact.

on to other stuff....
Originally posted by Pride:
I gave Imag a bunch of stories and scenarios. I told Imag I was hitting Sanct when we already had a pact with sanct.

I never heard this story.....
but what disturbs me is that what must of been transpiring was either you were talking to scode and Randy was talking me. I am not sure why so many heads were talking to each other? :/

Originally posted by Karim:
Originally posted by pintfro:
*hands karim a tissue*

Why dont you cry some more about it?

Learn to read: i don't cry.


I used to say the same thing until I fell in love with soviet...damn that love factor :P

And for my final statement....
people posting logs from a private ally chat room is so high schoolish... you know who you are. Come and fluff at me later :P <3

Edited By: galleri on Jan 3rd 2013, 5:47:10
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Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.