
Xinhuan Game profile


Jan 7th 2013, 16:50:46

Well Carousel,

While it is a war game, you need to keep in mind that the game celebrates its victors not by how well they war, but by how well they net:

- The top 25 countries in NW enshrined every reset,
- Leaderboards for number of top 10 finishes,
- Top 100 finishes,
- Best 3 average finishes,
- Attack success,
- All time Land gained, all time NW gained

Warring doesn't lend success to any of these leaderboards, but are detrimental to it. It is easy to destroy, but hard to build the perfect country.

You should understand that war should be mainly used as a _deterrent_ on solo servers, rather than as an active goal, and that is what the Primary/Express/Tourny ruleset tries to achieve with special GDI rules and a no-coordination rule.

It is only on Clan servers (FFA, Team and Alliance) that there are additional leaderboards for war performance (Missiles, Attacks made, Defends received, civs killed, Kills, Deaths).

Edited By: Xinhuan on Jan 7th 2013, 16:54:20
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