
Alin Game profile


Jan 11th 2013, 8:12:15

Originally posted by mrford:
i would prefer to identify the mentally ill and treat them, rather than punish the rest of the country because they MIGHT gain access to a gun.

i guess we just have different outlooks on life. i try to solve the root of a problem, you look for the stop gap. attempting taking guns of the street does nothing to solve mental illness and killing sprees.

a unstable person will do what they want, no matter if it is easy or not.

Those unfortunate events were caused by:

-Drunk people
-People who had a bad day at work
-People who got bankrupt
-People who divorced
-People who were cheated

It is not always about mentally-ill folks, but also about a snap or a moment of crazy/lost we all have on a smaller or larger scale.

Some people ( like you ) will troll internet forums on their lost moments. Others will put their hands on a legally purchased gun and do ... fluff!

Point ( because you seem to loose the point often ) is that is not always the mentally-ill ones.

Edited By: Alin on Jan 11th 2013, 8:15:40
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