
Alin Game profile


Jan 11th 2013, 8:43:38

Originally posted by mrford:
so you dont consider someone who would take the lives of multiple humans mentally ill?

the last 4+ shootings that i remember have all been people that in hind sight have shown signs of illness for MONTHS before the incidents.

let me make this easy for you. it is impossible to get the guns off the streets of the US. there are too many of them. this is a fact. period. you can sit over there in your perfect country and think wht you want, but the fact is you know nothing of the US. you know only what you see on the news and form your opinions on that. you dont even know the difference between the guns you seem to have such a strong opinion on. deal with it.


Lost moments :

People do things that are not logic
People fight each other
People piss on their neighbor flowers because the neighbor dog do the same on theirs

Not all this people are mentally-ill but some of those situation could end with a gun on the wrong hands.

Point ( because you seem to miss them a lot ) is that is not always ABOUT mentally ill persons.

2nd. I have military training. My country had obligatory military training until the late 2000s. I have probably seen, shoot and used 10 times x more guns than you. I didn't do the "sit duck and wait to shoot the thief thing" but search and destroy thing - and i did it because it was "Law".

However i didn`t choose to deal with guns "because it is fun" like you are ( you have mentioned that in some previous dispute about gun control )

The only news i see is here on this board. But there are constant news; once / 1 or 2 months someone kid plays Counter-Strike in his school, with dads Glock, or some adult is avenging his mother dismissal. It is enough for me to understand that YOU ( as a nation ) need GUN control and it is not about your freedom right.

Since when do people know what they want?

And i am done here because you are blinded by YOUR SIDE of the "story".

Point ( because you miss almost all ): less guns less lunatics using them!

Edited By: Alin on Jan 11th 2013, 8:50:56
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