
Dragon Game profile


Jul 11th 2010, 5:46:24

You don't really have to post here. You can send PM's to players who are equally tired of being farmed by these guys who think it's okay to hit you 2, 3, 4 maybe 5 or more times.

Just don't be a hypocrite. If you get banged 7 times because you don't have enough defense to defend your land, then turn around and multi tap targets. you're on your own.

But if you're minding your own business, not multi-tapping opponents and get jumped anyways, post up. Justice will be served.

You see, there are some players who feel that they are entitled to your land, and maybe they should be taught a lesson for their misbehavior.

Nothing like 15 Little Guys banding together and whacking some landpig.

Now understand that this server does not permit clans, teams, or alliances acting in an organized manner but there are no rules against a few guys talking to one another and doing something in a coordinated manner.

If you think you're being screwed over, post on this thread. Certain undisclosed people will have a look at the news and other stuff to decide whether you're a victim or a whiner.

Let's spank the farmers,eh?

Edited By: Dragon on Jul 11th 2010, 5:49:18
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