
locket Game profile


Jan 24th 2013, 3:27:20

Originally posted by incin22:
Originally posted by locket:
Incin if he gets to near max SDI he still loses land but he also loses out because chances are fairly good that all that money he spent goes to waste when no one hits him and then someone who was more greedy beats him. Netting is about opportunity costs and you clearly do not understand that. There is a reasonable defense and I'd say he more than had it for the SDI especially considering no one should want to suicide him as he didnt hit anyone who would do that this set.

SDI is a deterrent as much as it is useful. Defend your land. I understand what it takes to net in this game. In fact, I used to be a huge treehugger who lived for netting. But, since you don't really know me or my past performances, you have no way of knowing that. I also know what it is get get kicked in the face as a top ranker, and I learned a long time ago to defend against it.

That being said, having 6 million turrets, 39% sdi tech does not "justify" you keeping your 95k acres. It more says, I'm pushing the limits, move along, nothing to see here. When you're on top, people naturally want to beat you down.

As Archaic said you have some pretty specific information there. You are a fluff tard and you should just go play a different game if this is your kind of attitude.

6million was enough to stop anyone who had reason to hit him from doing too much but in reality even if he had 12 million or 20million it wouldnt be that hard to break him if it was my country. I broke someone with 15mill damn easily. You obviously know nothing about netting if you think that even with another 30% sdi or triple the turrets he would be fine from that sort of barage. They left that country possibly run by you alone and it acted like a child. Congrats!

Edited By: locket on Jan 24th 2013, 3:29:54
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