
cypress Game profile


Feb 26th 2013, 13:13:59

Where to start.....

KriSatZ - I know you're in LaF and not MD, that's why I was asking if you were speaking on BEHALF of them ;-)

anoniem - I don't see anyone denying the fact that SoF called in LaF last set. I know you won't care for the reason, but half of us were netting and not prepped for any sort of war. But reasoning is of no importance to you right? I made the post. Was I whining? Nope. Did I find it hilarious that MD wanted a 1v1 with SoF only to try and get outside FA to even things up? Hell yes. Just thought I'd share that with the rest of the community.

bertz - I know the truth might hurt, but calling it whining is really a long shot. We were having a good laugh, unfortunately for you - at your expense.

Edited By: cypress on Feb 26th 2013, 13:17:47
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