
Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 4th 2013, 6:10:23

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Originally posted by qzjul:
I do think landtrading is a bit too much abused;

The trick is how to adjust it without causing people to revert to extreme bottomfeeding...

You intended it to nerf landtrading, but instead it harmed bottomfeeding because bottomfeeding no longer gets much acres. All the bottomfeeders switched to landtrading, and with so many countries landtrading, C:C DR isn't even close to becoming an issue.

You should
A) Revert the C:C DR change
B) Half the ghost acres gained
C) Remove the Dict ghost acre bonus - you will notice almost all the landtraders are Dicts for a reason - and make the BPT penalty slightly less to compensate.

(You need both B and C because otherwise people will just switch to Theo casher land trading)

The whole point is, without competitive land grabbing (via bottomfeeding), Alliance is fast becoming a cooperative grabbing server.

This is a joke, right? Competitive landgrabbing (via bottomfeeding), Right?

That's not competitive, that's repertitive, carries no risk of an actual retal, and just defeats the whole concept of competitive.

If you really want competitive landgrabbing, get all the alliances to start landgrabbing from each other. Then you'll have competitive landgrabbing.

That's the only way. Instead, you all hang around scumming off the newbies and untagged until one of them suicides, then you all trot your spineless asses up here and cry about it.

If you want to compete, compete at building a powerful country, not just the fattest. Prove your mettle and grab someone who could conceivably retal the strike.

Institue a "No Balls, No Bluechips" ratio for land. Hitting someone with a net close to yours should result in the largest gains to reward the bold and the brave, while bottomfeeding shouldn't yield much more than exploring for land. Then, we can actually all compete.

Edited By: Cerberus on Apr 4th 2013, 6:19:54
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I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!