
Xinhuan Game profile


Apr 11th 2013, 5:13:53

Originally posted by BobbyATA:
pardon my ignorance Xinhuan, but wouldn't demo perform better while grabbing and fascist while stocking?

I guess it depends on server for this one.

On Alliance you would be trying to farm untags 1/12 your size at 40a per hit, doing 30 hits a day, and 3 turns per attack is a killer.

On Primary, you do so little hits everyday (3 to 5) that Demos probably edge out very sightly in land gain, and only if you actually got significantly more strat tech. I mean, if you're telling me your 110% strat is now going to be 111% because you're demo, sure you gain 1% more land, but if you grabbed 2000a that day, that's just 20 more acres. On the grand scheme of things, it really isn't any better at all.

And honestly, if I saved 3 turns grabbing that day in 3 attacks compared to a Demo by being a Fasc, I would think I can just explore that 3 extra turns for 18a.

Edited By: Xinhuan on Apr 11th 2013, 5:21:10
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