
H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Apr 16th 2013, 20:44:54

Originally posted by wari:
Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
generally we only aid people to restore them to the position they would have had if others hadn't be FAed above them.

Osso probably thinks you're generally full of fluff.

Generally alliances who have to wait until 45 secs before sets end to run harmful ops aren't the ballsiest.

Neglects key facts that shape context, not that I'd expect you to post something that wasn't run through a propaganda filter though, given this is a war dec thread.

To claim we started landtrading because of PDM's success is laughable. We've been clear about why we started landtrading and the fact that we were so successful at our goal. Being as successful as we were at achieving our goal affirmed our underlying assumptions for developing the plan though, which is greatly disappointing (beyond being able to say "I told you so" to people).

Edited By: H4xOr WaNgEr on Apr 16th 2013, 20:48:49. Reason: edited for grammar
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