
Unsympathetic Game profile


Apr 24th 2013, 0:42:49

Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:

As such "austerity" is still reasonable

No, it's not. You've got nothing to support it more than bizarre elitist morality.. because all you have in the real world is examples of its abject failure. How's that quadruple-dip recession in England working out? Spain's unemployment is 60%. UNTOLD RICHES! This is the same morality play that was quoted by Hoover at the beginning of the Great Depression -- "liquidate labor, liquidate stocks, liquidate farmers" etc.

Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:

It is highly likely this "threshold level of debt"

Not true at all. Default happens all the time, and doesn't even prevent the next issuance of debt. Don't like it? Prove it does actually happen -- don't just assert it.

Oh, and as to "all the time" -- you've got zero examples of austerity being successful. Want to bet that there's more than zero examples of countries defaulting and still getting their next issuance purchased? :)

Why is unverifiable assertion enough for you to believe that austerity is good.. but at the same time you just can't believe that a country could default and still get its next issuance purchased?

I care about the people who these policies actually affect. I want a model to be adopted that includes private debt service and private debt capacity.. and doesn't magically assume those to be zero like the models that need to be used to assert austerity is a good. Models like this do exist -- check out Steve Keen's models on his blog. He's a professor in Australia.

Here's the link to the paper debunking R&R:
The fundamental conclusion of the people who corrected R&R's work for them? ZERO DIFFERENCE in growth rates between countries with low debt/GDP and those with high. Austerity is an epic fail.

Unless your fundamental goal is to rape countries' natural resources for the benefit of a few hundred people in financial firms [aka treat nations as colonies] then austerity is a failed policy.

Edited By: Unsympathetic on Apr 24th 2013, 1:00:28
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