
Flamey Game profile


Apr 24th 2013, 21:06:27

I'll spare the usual essay.

LCN, you openly FAed against us last reset and you FSed us the reset before in support of the alliance that blindsided us in our 75th reunion set. This was an inevitability. This has nothing to do with grabbing issues, or anything else this set.

DKnights, you were openly FAing against us last reset, then promised to stop, but kept continuing to do so. You were also on standby to hit us if called upon. I wont wish you good luck and it would be pointless if I did so.

SoF do not require police for this war, but please put LCN/DK on DNH as a courtesy.

IX Spy.

Edited By: Flamey on Apr 24th 2013, 21:08:29
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