

EE Patron

Apr 27th 2013, 19:58:32

Well, if people decide to fluff with you they can do it in other ways too.

I was Town of Cats a year or so ago:

Those three bounces that guy did for no reason killed 8,562,604 networth. That's twice as damaging as the $1b you lost. If the dude is doing it just to be an ass, there are lots of ways to do that in this game. Look at what LATC's friend has been doing to CROATIA as well. I don't see how to prevent it.

OTOH, if he's doing it because he thinks it's worth his while (as it clearly has been so far), there are ways to show him that it isn't. And I'm counting on you to make that point to this guy with a nice missile dump. Just like this guy is knocking you around with ops, people being farmed and 20x tapped in Tournament could say it's not fair. But they and you need to make it not worth the farmer's while, and it's possible.

People can fluff with people in this game, and there's not always a way for admins to stop it. People are idiots sometimes. (What could be done to save me from a guy that decides to bounce on me 3 days in a row? Nothing.)

In this case though, there is a way they can address it by tightening up the spy mechanics, and I believe they fully intend to do so.

Edited By: blid on Apr 27th 2013, 20:00:38
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Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.