
galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

May 1st 2013, 17:42:15

Originally posted by Kinnin:
Aight. I've held my tongue long enough. Fuji and Taveren are nice guys,and thus, they won't call Galleri and iScode out on their bullfluff. I'm not a nice guy, so here goes.

Since when is it a retal on a retal after 48 hours?
"Retal on retals (ROR)** will be retalled the greater of 2:1, 3:1 etc. or 200% land:land in a 48 hr window after the ROR hit. - 72 hr tag responsibility - We perform alliance:country retals

A topfeed is defined as the defender having 125% of the attacker's land at the time of grab (i.e. just before the attack is sent)
A ROR is defined as being any grab on the retaller within 24hrs of the completion of his or her retal(s) - the number of retals are dependent upon the aforementioned points"
-Evolution's Retal Policy

"Grabbing a country which during the past 24 hours has retaled the graber's tag will be considered to be retaling a retal (ror) and retaled either 2:1 or 80% land:land + 1 (depending on what gives more).

We reserve the right to retal according to the other alliance's retal policy if we see it appropriate to do so. " -Omega's Retal Policy

"A landgrab made on a country within 24h after it has retalled on a hit, will be considered RoR and retalled following our RoR policy. After 48h the attack is considered a random landgrab. Also a landgrab made on from the same country within 24 hours will go under this category.

Retal on Retal (RoR): 2:1 (minimum 100%)"- Rival's Retal Policy

"-Retal on retals will be retalled the greater of 2:1 compounding or 200% land:land in a 48 hr window after the ROR hit. "- LaF's retal policy

The point of this wall of text? After 48 hours, basically every alliance on the server considers it a random land grab. Even when they do consider it a retal on a retal, they simply escalate the retals. At no point do they decide to kill a country for it. It is not a killable offense. Especially with land being so scarce. Instead of running kill runs, you want to punish with extra retals. And so Galleri and ImagNum step in here, and claim not only that their retal on retal period is 24 hours longer then the accepted period, but that they'll kill for it? Yeah, no. The entire point was to provoke a war. iScode, where was your intervention when Riddler was killed? Is MD not allowed to defend its tag from the actions of suiciders? That's what those two ImagNum countries amounted to. In the old days, if two countries did that, not only were they killed, but reps were expected IN ADDITION to the killing.

TLDR: Galleri and ImagNum set out to provoke a war by blowing a minor issue out of proportion and succeeded. They should have expected to die for it.

you are highly delusional. I understand though that listening to your leaders.

First off let me set you straight. Because after speaking to a different member of MD he finally understood and even told me that he was told things differently on their end.
First off several RoR's happened to us by MD. The first time speaking with locutus was ridiculous. But whatever. When it came to the last one I contacted locutus again..telling him the next RoR would be die, he told me why even bother to contact him then and called me dumb. Fuji later told me that we never contacted MD about the kill, which I showed him the logs that I did.
Nextly, I have a player that plays from his phone and barely speaks english, he assumed that we were at war with MD after he seen the KR on #70 and starting wasn't a suicide move. I had him stop and I offered reps to MD which I only received hostility over it. The other one is with the harmful ops is an idiot. He has done this for a few sets, and seems to not understand "NO" which is about to become an issue for him soon because he has cause us to owe reps to LAF and monsters and they can even back that up. I even told him yesterday to not even think about doing it..per my logs here:
<Overlord> galleri {Prez}: ******* DO NOT BE STEALING TECH
<Overlord> ****** {Elite}: ok :-(
Apparently he did it anyhow. Soviet went and offered reps. If imag was going to war you guys or even try to say this was an act of war we most defiantly would not offer reps and just go tell you all to fluff off. One RoR this set I dismissed because I fluffed up on a time frame and wulf and I worked it out.
Personally I don't think the whole "this was ploy for SOF to use imag to get us to war" is a legit story when your clan was the aggressor this set. The way I see it is you all were trying to push us so you could get us to FS you and make it so that SOF could not be involved. This is end of my story. I just got out of surgery. And I am shocked this makes sense.

Edited By: galleri on May 1st 2013, 17:47:11
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<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.