
azmodii Game profile


Jul 21st 2010, 6:27:25

Originally posted by Mad Morticia:
As it stands now, will not be able to tag up my countries when the new reset begins since have no access to clans.

Perhaps it's time to just call it quits to the whole thing.

Change will happen no matter what game you play. Fine tuning is all the theme needs. It works fine on most computers - If the devs didnt care, why would they have a thread specifically for this.

The devs have given a lot for us to be able to continue playing, a little patience and faith is not much to ask for in return.

Oh and PS - New CSS works flawlessly with iOS4 on both iPad, iTouch & iPhone :D

Edited By: azmodii on Jul 21st 2010, 6:34:25
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"I will slaughter them like a wolf among lambs! The rivers will run red with the blood of my enemies, the skies will rain fire! And when the land parts beneath them... I shall be the in emptiness waiting!"