
Xinhuan Game profile


May 3rd 2013, 17:18:03

Originally posted by blid:
Would've been a nice boost if food was better though. Very interesting strategy. Xin, don't blame primary cause for the food being bad, he could just as easily blame you! But really, food can easily support two big farmers as we saw last set. There was more to it than the two of you.

Except there are 3 big farmers this reset. The 3rd one being the Dict farmer, so the planned switch hurt all of us because it was very clear by the time he switched there was already 2 big farmers. If you look above, I still congratulated him on a reset well played... because it really is well played.

I am still allowed to blame him for the poor food prices though, food would have easily surpassed $50 otherwise. If Bobby can thank him for switching away from Indy, I can just as equally blame him for switching into Farmer.

(Not real blame, just a "looking back in hindsight" thing.)

Edited By: Xinhuan on May 3rd 2013, 17:20:24
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